
  1. Brush, M. & Lewis, M.A. (2024). Mountain pine beetle spread in forests with varying host resistance.

Peer-reviewed publications

  1. Brush, M. & Lewis, M.A. (2023). Coupling mountain pine beetle and forest population dynamics predicts transient outbreaks that are likely to increase in number with climate change. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85(108). Preprint. Postprint.

  2. Misutka, M., Glover, C., Brush, M., Goss, G., Veilleux, H. (2023). A validated and optimized environmental DNA and RNA assay to detect Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus). Environmental DNA, 5(6).

  3. Harte, J., Brush, M., Newman, E.A., & Umemura, K. (2022). An Equation of State Unifies Diversity, Productivity, Abundance and Biomass. Communications Biology, 5(874).

  4. Brush, M., Matthews, T.J., Borges, P.A.V., & Harte, J. (2022). Land use change through the lens of macroecology: insights from Azorean arthropods and the maximum entropy theory of ecology. Ecography, 2022(8), e06141. Preprint.

  5. Kitzes, J., Brush, M., & Walters, K. (2021). A unified framework for species spatial patterns: Linking the occupancy area curve, Taylor’s Law, the neighborhood density function and two‐plot species turnover. Ecology Letters, 24(10), 2043–2053.

  6. Brush, M., & Harte, J. (2021). Relating the Strength of Density Dependence and the Spatial Distribution of Individuals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9. Preprint.

  7. Franzman, J., Brush, M., Umemura, K., Ray, C., Blonder, B., & Harte, J. (2021). Shifting macroecological patterns and static theory failure in a stressed alpine plant community. Ecosphere, 12(6). Preprint.

  8. Harte, J., Umemura, K., & Brush, M. (2021). DynaMETE: A hybrid MaxEnt-plus-mechanism theory of dynamic macroecology. Ecology Letters, 24(5), 935–949. Preprint.

  9. Brush, M., Linder, E.V., & Zumalacárregui, M. (2019). No Slip CMB. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019(01), 029. arXiv:1810.12337.

  10. Brush, M., Pogosian, L., & Vachaspati, T. (2015). Magnetic monopole—Domain wall collisions. Physical Review D, 92(4). arXiv:1505.08170.

Other publications

  1. Newman, E.A., Brush, M., Umemura, K., Xu, M., & Harte, J. (2023). Defining an ecological equation of state: Response to Riera et al. 2023. Ecological Modelling, 486(110532).

  2. Brush, M., Liu, J., & Yu, Q. (2021). Commentary: Revamping graduate biophysics education. Physics Today.